School closures, remote teaching, bubbles and social distancing in the staff room – not things any of us will look back on with great joy. However, one positive legacy of the Covid enforced restrictions has been the increased recognition of the online seminar or webinar as a time efficient e]method of bringing people together to share professional development. What began in lock down as ‘In Touch’ meetings, aimed at reducing the isolation of staff in individual schools and allowing continued access to professional development, has developed into the CTSA termly online seminar series – twilight sessions delivered over Zoom from 4 – 5 pm.

Topics covered to date have included:

  • Making best use of teaching assistants in adaptive teaching
  • Developing arts and cultural experiences in the curriculum
  • The Early Years curriculum
  • Supporting emotional wellbeing for pupils and staff


  • Evidence informed practice.

We aim to continue with this termly programme and would welcome any suggestions for topics and speakers.